Sunday, December 2, 2007


I was down town yesterday getting presents for Christmas and I walked by a boy, no more than nine years old I'd say. And there he was puffing away on a cigarette, at first I thought okay it must be one of them pretend ones, but I really don't think it was. Nine years of age and him smoking?? What is our country coming to? Besides how can someone so young even get cigarettes? Surely if he asked an adult to get him cigarettes the adult would have to have the sense to say no, wouldn't they?? I think the price of cigarettes should be pushed up to over ten euro, so many people in Ireland die from cancer caused by smoking so why do people continue to smoke the cancer sticks? I realise they are addictive but it's not like there isn't help out there to help you give them up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ur gay fromme haa